Rabu, 01 April 2020


Assalamualaikum anak-anak PGRI ku yang ganteng dan cantik (mereun) hihi😦. Sekarang sedang musim wabah Kolorna eh Corona baik di dunia dan wabah ini sampai ke Indonesia😢.  Mudah-mudahan wabah ini cepat berlalu Amiin, dan kita semua di lindungi selalu oleh Alloh SWT. Tong hilap ngadoa, tong hilap jaga kebersihan (cuci tangan, mandi) makan makanan yang bergizi dan halal, tong ruang ruing di mana wae (Komo ngariung di WC ciga budak awewe di PGRI👀 hehe). Ok Kita langsung ke intinya, (Kade maca materi na ulah bari ngabayangkeun muka bapa anu cute😊 ini hahaha).

(Meskipun sekolah di liburkan tapi sebisa mungkin kita tetap belajar. Ok guys!!!!)

Ok, untuk materi sekarang ada di Bab VII (I’m Proud of Indonesia) halaman 150.

Pada bab ini kalian akan mencoba Describing (menjelaskan) sesuatu baik itu makhluk hidup, benda, ataupun hewan. Perlu kalian fahami, sesuatu hal dapat di jelaskan apabila masuk kedalam Panca Indra apa saja coba Panca indra itu?? (masih inget atau masih poho???)
Ok Panca indra itu, melihat, menyentuh, mengecap, mendengar, mencium. Jadi sesuatu hal dapat di deskripsikan apabila dapat dilihat, dapat dirasa, dapat disentuh, dapat didengar dan dapat dicium, dicium di sini maksudnya di baui. Kalian bisa jawab pertanyaan ini agar dapat mengerti, coba deskripsikan ‘Buku”
Dapatkah buku dilihat? (berati kalian bisa melihat bentuk, warna dan lain-lain)
Dapatkan buku disentuh? (Kasarkah, lembutkah, bergelombang dan lain-lain)
Dapatkah buku dirasa? (Mun panasaran sok asaan rasana kumaha, asin amis atawa lada sugan)
Dapatkan buku didengar? ( Sieun mun aya buku bisa ngomong sorangan)
Dapatkah buku dicium? (Bau apa? Wangi atau apa?)

Maka dari kesimpulan di atas apakah buku dapat dideskripsikan? Bisa tentunya. Kalian dapat menjelaskan bentuknya, warnanya, teksturnya dan lain-lain.

Kalian dapat Describing something apabila minimal ada 1 panca indra yang melekat pada hal tersebut. Pertanyaan berikutnya, apakah kentut (tong seuri) dapat dideskripsikan? Bisa dari bau dan pendengaran.

Sudah faham? Ini dasar dalam materi sekarang.

OK now we start learn English.
I will give you an example,
The thing is Table.
Table is solid  
Table is from wood
Table is brown
Table is square
(ketika kalian melihat meja di sekolah)

Coba kalian sekarang Open page 150-153. There are three dialogues
Tugas untuk kalian, temukan nama benda atau apapun yang dibicaran pada dialog tersebut, kemudian tulis deskripsi tentang barang tersebut.

Kalian kerjakan pada kotak komentar, tulis nama kemudian tugasnya!!

16 komentar:

Unknown mengatakan...

Nama :Risky Firansyah

Unknown mengatakan...

Nama :Risky Firansyah

Unknown mengatakan...

Nama :Risky Firansyah

Unknown mengatakan...

Nabila mutiara

Unknown mengatakan...

Nama: Risky Firansyah
Benda is notebook

Unknown mengatakan...

Nama:Okthora Andika Ramadhan

Unknown mengatakan...

-In terms of a notebook is a portable computer that can move portable that has a battery to store power and turn on the notebook device anywhere and anytime, when viewed from a smaller size than a laptop because the notebook does not have a CD or DVD room
-The tape is a term that refers to excessive regulation or application of rigid official rules that are considered to reduce productivity and cause delay in decision making. This usually refers to governments, companies and other large organizations.
-The inner jurai is the sharp part of the roof, runs from the roof drain line to the ridge, and is found at the confluence of the two roof planes at an inner building angle.

2. outside jurai

Outer jurai, is the sharp part of the roof, running from the roof drain line to the ridge, there is at the meeting of two areas of the roof at the corner of the building outward.

3. ridge (rooftop)

Is the top edge of the roof, always in a flat state and generally determines the direction of the building.

4. Gording

Roof beam as a fastener that connects the horses. Gording is also a base for rafters and deep jurai blocks.

5. Rafters

Roof components are located above the gording and become a holder for battens.

6. Battens

Roof components that have the smallest profile in their shape and size. Position transversely on the rafters. Battens function as anchoring the roof covering (tile and others). Another function is as a spacer for each tile to be neat and more "bound". The distance between battens depends on the size of the tile to be used. The greater the dimensions of the tile, the less battens so that even more economical costs.

B. Roof Cover

The cover is the part that covers the roof as a whole so as to create a threshold that limits us from the outside world. There are various choices of roof coverings with a choice of different shapes and properties. Two main factors that must be considered in the selection are the material relief factor so as not to overload the structure of the building and the durability factor to the weather (wind, heat, rain). Another factor is compatibility / beauty of home design. The size and design of the roof covering also influences the structure, for example the construction of the horses, the size of the battens, and the tilt angle.

C. Complementary components

Complementary elements on the roof in addition to structural functions are also aesthetic.

1. Gutters
The water channel on the roof that serves to direct the water to fall to the ground is called a gutter. Gutter is mounted horizontally following the drainage of the roof then flowed down through a vertical pipe.

2. Lisplang
In terms of construction, lisplang creates rigid formations (sturdy, unchanging) from the rafters arrangement. In the roof truss installation, the rafters are only held by nails and the position may be shifted. This is where the lisplang functions to lock the arrangement of the rafters to remain in place. In terms of aesthetics, lisplang serves to cover the rafters that are lined under the roof tile / other roof covering material. Then the appearance of the roof on the edges will look neat by the presence of lisplang.

Unknown mengatakan...

Bukucacatan:kasar,,warna putih
Meja:keras ,warna coklat,tekstur nya kasar
Atap rumah:keras,kasar,warna biru,
Sepatu:lembut,berbeda warna,berbeda ukuran,keras
Sendal:lembut:berbeda warna,berbeda ukuran
Kaos:halus,warna putih,

Unknown mengatakan...

Nama:soufi Nur mahmudah
Deskripsi:no eat,can use
Deskripsi:No eat, save memories
Deskripsi:No eat
Deskripsi:No eat

Unknown mengatakan...

Nama :Risky Firansyah.
Buku :catatan:kasar, warna putih.
Meja :keras,warna coklat,tekstur nya
Atap rumah:keras,kasar,warna biru
Sepatu:lembut,berbeda warna,berbeda
Sendal:lembut,berbeda warna,berbeda
Kaos:halus,warna putih

Anonim mengatakan...

Nama : wandira akbar
kelas : 7B

1.my note book
it has blue hard cover
the ribbon is white
there's a sticker on the cover
it shiny, white,round white picture of an oran - utan

2.shoes in the big shoe shop
there are beautiful plastic shoe there
diffrent colours
some have holes and some have flowers in the front of
some are plain nothing on them

3.he want t shirt from bali
he want white t shirt
with short sleeves
whit one picture as small one , this picture should be anything abot bali

Unknown mengatakan...

Nama serli puji Astuti
Kelas 7b
>My netebook
>Look like
>It's shiny,white,round

Unknown mengatakan...

-Desk:Brown writing desk the desk is for learning and rectangglar shape.

-Notebook:the notebook is white,has lines and is shaped like a book.

-Soft shoes:Diffrent colors and different sizes and oval shaped.

-The shirt:T-Shirt white,Smoth and not hard.

Unknown mengatakan...

Nama:Okthora andika ramadhan.
-Buku catatan:kasar,warna putih
-Meja keras,warna coklat tekstur nya kasar/keras
Atap rumah:keras,kasar,warna biru
Sepatu:lembut,berbeda warna,berbeda ukuran,keras
Sendal:lembut,berbeda warna,berbeda ukuran
Kaos:halus,warna putih

Unknown mengatakan...

-have a hard blue cover
-Have a sticker on the cover sparkling white
pictures of orangutans

-have a blue carpet and no fence
- white and gray
-There are two trees
- there are handicrafts at the front door
- there is a large rock to sit on

* shoes
- made of plastic
- the colors are various
-There are flowers on the front
-has a rope and low heels

* t-shirt
short-sleeve white shirt
-there is a small picture in front of a picture of Bali

Unknown mengatakan...

Nama:nenden agustiani